Standards Based Grading

Rationale: Why Standards Based Grading?

The purpose of providing grades to students is to give quality feedback to students and parents about the student’s current level of mastery of the standards. Standards based grading is criterion reference and uses teacher developed rubrics as an essential component of standards based grading.  The research shows that student achievement and motivation increases when standard based grading is implemented.  We believe it is important to empower all students with the skillsets of reflective thinking and growth mindset which is reinforced through the standards based grading process.  This will allow for all of our students to be better prepared for high school as each of the feeder high schools use standards based grading.

Gradebook Guidelines

All Bedichek Middle School gradebooks are set up under the same basic guidelines. All assignments will be assessments that are labeled by skill.  Students will have an opportunity to complete interventions on each skill to improve their score. The chart has a list of TEAMS codes that the teachers will use to score students on each skill.

Standards Based Grading Plan